Another year and on we we go

Let do this

Another year and on we we go

Postby ramon » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:43 am

So another year has passed and we all just chug along.

the new year is a time of year when we all reflect on the year that has passed and what we plan and expect in the coming year.
Mine i can say has been eventful. there has been happiness and equal sadness.

What I do want to hear about are resolutions

Last year i mentioned that my resolution was to loose weight and loose that pot belly that protruded through any shirt I wore. I did achieve that with in the first 5 months of 2008. I must admit I had help from some startling medical test results.
I havent really gave much though to 2009 mainly because 2009 has already been planned for my is many ways

Tell me about your resolutions, What was planned for 2008 and was it achieved(if not why not) and what plans are made for 2009
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Re: Another year and on we we go

Postby ramon » Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:25 pm

no its not a bad thing

making resolutions for the sake of it is useless.

People make resolutions some feel they a reason to do something or some some of a motivation

I say if you really want a change in ur life, then make it.
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Re: Another year and on we we go

Postby ramon » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:35 am

its up to u to want to
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